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After spending more than five years in the US Army running away from his call to ministry, T.J. came home to Indiana to discern a call to the priesthood in the Diocese of Indianapolis. He attended seminary in Austin, Texas at the Seminary of the Southwest, and served as Curate and Associate Rector at Calvary Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In July of 2017 T.J. became the 19th Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church. He is currently pursuing his Doctor of Ministry at Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in New York. He believes strongly that, "The Church, if it is to be the Church, must be the revelation of that divine Love which God poured into our hearts. Without love nothing is valid in the Church because nothing is possible. Love alone creates and transforms." - Alexander Schmemann

T.J. and his wife Annie have two children in elementary school and a golden retriever named Lucy, after Lucy Pevensie. In his free time, he loves being out of doors – hiking, walking, and backpacking; occasionally painting with watercolors, and riding his bike.

The Rev'd T.J. Freeman
19th Rector

Amanda Henes grew up in Madison, WI. On May 13, 2023, Amanda was ordained a transitional deacon at the Cathedral of the Incarnation in the Diocese of Long Island. She served at the Cathedral of the Incarnation as a seminarian intern and deacon. Amanda graduated with a Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from General Theological Seminary. Prior to entering seminary, she served two years in the Episcopal Service Corps. Amanda’s interests include translating Greek and Hebrew, playing board games with friends, reading, and spending time with her family, especially her three nephews, and her cat, Layil.

The Rev'd Amanda Henes
Joshua Gale
Assistant for Preaching

Wayne Peterson , Music Director of Trinity Episcopal Church since 1987,  earned a BA Degree in Education (Concordia University—Chicago), a MM Degree with Distinction (Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University), and a DSM Degree  (Graduate Theological Foundation), with additional study at the Royal School of Church Music (Croydon, England), McGill University (Montréal), Community of Jesus Master Schola, and private lessons in Paris.  He is a former Associate Faculty Member at IPFW, is Past President of Indiana Organists United at Indiana University. Other memberships include the Association of Anglican Musicians, Pi Kappa Lambda honorary music society, Sigma Alpha Iota Friend of the Arts (honorary), Quest Club (honorary), and the American Guild of Organists (AGO), serving at local, state, and national levels. He is professionally certified by the AGO as a Choir Master and Fellow, the Guild’s highest distinction, and is a recipient of the Fr. Tom O’Connor Award from Wellspring Interfaith Social Services.

Wayne Peterson
Precentor & Director of Music
Trinity’s Director of Christian Formation, Elliot Harrod, received his MDiv from Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis. A native Hoosier and Butler University graduate, he shares his Indiana roots with his wife, Rachel. Before joining Trinity Episcopal Church, Elliot served with GraceUnlimited, a campus ministry at Butler. A passionate motorsports fan, he eagerly anticipates attending the Indy 500 each year.
Elliot Harrod
Director of Christian Formation
Susan's Parkview Head Shot.jpg

Susan Zahn has served as the controller of Trinity Episcopal Church since 2013, with a brief hiatus in 2022. Prior to this position, she worked as a CPA for Grant Thorton LLP and Arthur Andersen LLP.


Zahn’s residence is in Huntington County and has held several leadership roles with many non-profits in Huntington, participating on civic and charitable boards for over 25 years. She has been the board chair of Parkview Huntington Hospital, Parkview Huntington YMCA, and Huntington County American Red Cross. She has served on the Northeast Indiana committee for Riley Children’s Foundation since 2010. Zahn also volunteered on several other committees associated with Pathfinder Foundation, United Way of Huntington County, Huntington University, Tri-Kappa and the Huntington Arts and Entrepreneurial Center.


Zahn is most proud of her family which includes her husband, Michael, President and CEO of First Federal Savings Bank and her 3 sons: Adam, consultant at Contax, Inc (Chicago, IL), Noah, senior at the University of Notre Dame and Ethan, senior at Huntington North High School. 

Susan Zahn
Jessica Larimer
Office Administrator
Janet Piercy
Choral Associate
Dustin Peterson



Rite I — 8am, Nave
Rite II, Choral — 10:15am, Nave

Taizé Mass — 5pm, Christ the King Chapel

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