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Trinity’s Outreach/Mission Commission serves those in need in the name of Jesus Christ. Your generous support—through time, talents, and resources—makes a real difference in our community and beyond.


We partner with Associated Churches, Habitat for Humanity, Homebound Meals, Just Neighbors, St. Vincent’s Center (Haiti), and Wellspring Interfaith Social Services. Additionally, we’ve prioritized in-house ministries, including our on-site food pantry, laundry ministry, Community Harvest food vouchers, and Citilink bus passes, with plans for future expansion.


Outreach Highlights


Associated Churches – Rising Stars - Trinity partners with Bloomingdale and Price elementary schools, providing school supplies, meals, clothing, and staff encouragement throughout the year.


Habitat for Humanity - Our 2024 Women Build teams helped construct homes in Fort Wayne’s Hannah Creighton area. Thanks to parishioner donations, Trinity earned a sponsorship spot on the project shirts for the first time!


Homebound Meals - For five years, Trinity has provided gift bags to 27 homebound neighbors each December.


Just Neighbors - We support JN clients with rental and utility assistance and provide meals to shelter residents three times a year.


Wellspring Interfaith Social Services - Trinity volunteers assist at Wellspring’s Clothing Shoppe and provide holiday meals for 52 families. Through the Angel Tree project, 42 children received Christmas gifts.


In-House Ministries


Food Pantry – Located in our parking lot, this pantry serves the community thanks to the dedication of Jessica Larimer and the “Pantry Shepherds.” Donations and volunteers are always needed.


Citilink Bus Passes – 400 all-day passes were distributed in 2024 to those seeking transportation assistance.


Food Vouchers – In 2024, we distributed 284 vouchers to Community Harvest Food Bank, providing over 14,000 lbs. of food to those in need.


Thank you for being part of this mission! Your support continues to make a lasting impact. If you would like to learn more, please contact Nancy Shumlas, Outreach Commission Chairperson.



Rite I — 8am, Nave
Rite II, Choral — 10:15am, Nave

Taizé Mass — 5pm, Christ the King Chapel

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