Living Out Our Baptism
The Book of Common Prayer reminds us that, in our baptism, each follower of Jesus is called “to work, pray, and give for the spread of the kingdom of God” ( Catechism, 856). At Trinity, we live out that commission through Worship, Studying, and Serving.
Whether through fellowship and study groups; missional service to the greater Fort Wayne community; spiritual formation programming; or volunteer positions that support our common parish life — whatever your interests and gifts might be, there is a place for you here.
Select a ministries tab to learn more.
At Trinity, we believe that a pursuit of personal holiness is at the heart of every Christian journey. Whether in private prayer or in corporate mass, we want to create space for the inward path.
Current Offerings
- Rite I Service (Sundays @ 8am)
- Rite II Services (Sundays @ 10:15am)
- Open chapel & nave hours for private prayer
Interested in supporting our parish by serving in worship? Check out the current openings below:
Volunteer Opportunities
- Altar Guild – Members of Trinity’s Altar Guild are people who are called to serve God by preparing and tending the places where we worship, enabling the liturgy. The altar guild has a special role as the priest’s liturgical partner by making the worship life of the parish run smoothly.
- Usher Team – Do you have a passion for welcoming people into the fold? Ushers work at just that – providing a warm presence for all those attending our Sunday services by assisting with seating and collecting offerings.
- Acolyte Team – Acolytes assist the clergy by performing minor duties within the services, including carrying the light into the Nave and carrying the cross during the procession.
- Lay Readers – Lay Readers read the first and second scriptures, as well as lead the Prayers of the People as outlined in the Book of Common Prayer.
At Trinity, we aim to be a well-read, well-studied, and well-versed congregation of curious thinkers. Christian Formation is at the core of the parish culture we work to build.
Current Offerings
Young Adults @ Trinity
Join our community of study, service, and serious fun. From book and Bible studies to popping into a local restaurant for brunch, we’re a group of spiritual growers and challengers. Interested in knowing more? Contact Elliot Harrod at [email protected]
Society of St. Phoebe
We represent the women of Trinity.
Romans 16:1-2
1I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church at Cenchreae, 2so that you may welcome her in the Lord as is fitting for the saints, and help her in whatever she may require from you, for she has been a benefactor of many and of myself as well.
The Society of St. Phoebe, a Hospitality Ministry at Trinity Episcopal Church
- Is committed to beginning, remaining, and ending in love. Christian love believes the best of each person, communicates with love and understanding, and resolves questions, misunderstandings, and conflict with grace and truth in love—this is a mark of mature Christian discipleship for the sake of unity and flourishing for all people
- Seeks to create a space of welcome, acceptance, and belonging for all people participating in the life of Trinity.
- Is made up of a team of individuals who work collaboratively to support parish life and Christian formation programming at Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Wayne
- Plans, hosts, serves, and cleans up food and refreshments for various parish life and Christian formation events throughout the year
- The chair of the Society works collaboratively with the team and with the Director of Christian Formation and Rector to plan the event calendar and propose an annual budget.
Contact: Alison Bauer [email protected]
Sunday School for all Ages
There is something for everyone throughout the building during the school year. Stay tuned for updates on the 2022-23 school year!
K-5th—Catechesis in 3rd floor True Vine Atrium
Adults—Adult Sunday School
Bible Study & Spiritual Conversation
Join us in conversation as we learn together and engage the Scriptures and their significance and impact to our Christian discipleship in the Conference Room from 11:30-12:30.
September 24
October 8 & 15
November 12
December 10
(Second Semester Dates: January 14 & 28; February 11 & 25; March 10 & 24; April 14 & 28; May 12)
During the 10:15AM Mass:
Ages 3-7—Catechesis in the 2nd floor Good Shepherd Atrium during the first half of the 10:15 Mass
Volunteer opportunities to come this Summer. Interested in supporting Fall Programming? Contact Karla Henderson – [email protected]
At Trinity, we desire to build up our neighborhood, our community, and our world. With well-established relationships with non-profits within Fort Wayne as well as a national and international focus on social justice, Trinity’s parishioners are working every day to bring light, justice, and care to our community.
Current Missional Outreach
Trinity Laundry Crew (TLC)
- Let’s have a laundry party! Once a month a team from Trinity partners with a local laundromat to provide free laundry and dinner for an evening.
- 1st Monday of each Month
- Interested? Contact Jessica Larimer – [email protected]
Rising Stars (through Associated Churches)
- Trinity supports kids from 2 local FWCS schools with conference dinners, teacher encouragement notes, school supplies, and donated clothes.
- Our summer school supply drive is here! Click here to view a list of needed items. Please drop off all items to the Common Room at Trinity by August 8th.
- Interested? Contact Nancy Shumlas – [email protected]
Singing Rooster Coffee (Supporting Haiti Missions)
- Singing Rooster coffee sales support Episcopal schools in Haiti as well as aiding economic development & reforestation. Over the past four years we have raised almost $5,000 for St. Vincent’s School for Children with Disabilities and St. Marc’s parish school & clinic. Don’t drink coffee? Donations welcome!
- Next Sunday to buy in the Common Room: June 27
- Interested? Contact Jan Byrd – [email protected]
Homeless Shelter Support (through Just Neighbors)
- Like to cook? Trinity participates in the rotation to provide meals for our local shelter, Just Neighbors.
- Work days happen a few times a year to provide painting, repairs, or general assistance to their building management team.
- Interested? Contact Nancy Shumlas – [email protected]
Construction Work Days (through Habitat for Humanity)
- Enjoy constructing community? Trinity partners with Habitat to support build teams and general projects throughout the year.
- Interested? Contact Alison Bauer – [email protected]
Stay tuned – opportunities are added throughout the year!